Unannounced MK Game
Developed by Mighty Kingdom
Design Lead & Level Design: Shaun Bright
Over the last 18 months I have lead a team of 6 designers of varying skill levels in creating a unique and competitive experience
Creating this experience has allowed me to learn tools and techniques withing Unity and Houdini. My role as lead also allowed me to grow in a managerial role. Running design meetings, 1 on 1s and professional reviews. I also have had the chance to mentor graduates and newer designers - which has been one of the most gradifying experiences I’ve had in my career.
My responsibilities
Leading the design team: Being put in the lead role within the design team gave me extra responsibilities on top of my design work. I would liase with pubishers while pitching and playtesting. As well as drive the vision along side the product manager. Ensuring the design team was feeling fullfilled in tasks, and happy with the trajectory of the project was also a main duty.
Leading the level design: From the beginning of the project I was the lead level designer. It began with greyboxing within Unity using a plugin. To learning how to use Houdini software in order to create levels. From beginning to end the design process has been quickly building something and getting it infront of players for feedback and iteration.
Building the experience: Being in a lead role and also having the ability to jump in and build levels gave me a unique opportunity to have a big hand in shaping the experience of the game. As I was making design deicisions from the ground up. Not only was I able to hand craft levels I was also holding design meetings about every other area of the game.